Tuesday 28 October 2014

Diving deep to find the strength

(ana)....  the training continues and I am learning what I like and what I don't in this whole process.  What I don't like, clearly, are things I need to work on for myself and therefore are difficult.   The training itself is tough and intense and there are moments when my brain screams, "What the heck are you doing?" but I manage to get through those tough spots.  I dig deep, and then deeper, and sometimes, thanks to our relentless trainer Jamie, I find even deeper places to pull from.  That I like, actually love because I am seeing the differences in my body already. Small, but I can see them.

What I don't like (find tough), is the food.  The other day, I actually felt like crying as I was trying to shove breakfast down and didn't want to eat.  Eating 5 meals a day is hard, every 3 hours on the nose and the food is pretty basic stuff at this point.  For a food lover like me, this is hard.  But again, I promise myself to trust in the process and just get it done.

And the patience is tough too.  I have decided to stop weighing myself on a daily basis because I am learning that this number doesn't mean much at this point and that it sets my mood into a tailspin.  My loving partner, Trevor, can attest to that.  :)  So to keep my home a happy place, we only weigh in at the gym on Fridays where the numbers make more sense.

I can do this.....I can do this......  sing it with me folks.......

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